
Welcome to our Community!

All Saints Episcopal Church is a warm, friendly Christian community serving Duncan, Oklahoma and surrounding communities.

We would love to have you worship with us and be part of our community!

In the spirit of Jesus Christ, All Saints Episcopal Church extends a warm welcome to all persons regardless of age, race, ethnicity, economic or marital status, gender, or sexual orientation.

What should I expect?

Expect to be warmly greeted by members of the parish and offered a service bulletin for the day's worship. The bulletin refers to the exact page numbers in the Book of Common Prayer found in the pew rows. The first part of the service includes hymns, announcements, prayers, Scripture readings, a sermon, a financial offering, and the sign of peace. The second part of our worship is the Holy Communion, in which we receive blessed Bread and Wine as the Real Spiritual Presence of Christ. All are welcome to come forward to receive the elements or a prayer of blessing. The Book of Common Prayer and the bulletin serve as guides for the service. Any children who begin in the nursery and wish to join the congregation are welcomed during the peace and announcements portion so that they may receive a prayer of blessing during the Communion. To learn about the details of the service and about why we do what we do, consider taking the Inquirer's Class.

What should I wear?

All are welcome at All Saints'. Although, as a whole, the congregation tends to dress nicely to visit the house of God, you should also feel comfortable in jeans, and some regular attendees wear jeans or more casual attire. What is important is that you feel comfortable and know that you are welcome.

All Saints Episcopal
809 West Cedar Avenue | Duncan, Oklahoma 73533
(580) 255-6165

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